Summary Judgment in Lieu of Complaint Granted After Unopposed Showing of Default on Commercial Lease Guarantees

In 1619-1625 Amsterdam Avenue, LLC v. Costa Casvikes, Case No. 652037/2022 (July 7, 2022), the court granted an unopposed summary judgment in lieu of complaint to a plaintiff property owner seeking payment under two guarantees of a commercial lease… Read more

Defendant’s Failure to Answer Plaintiff’s Notice to Admit Results in Adverse Summary Judgment

In Spin Capital v. Texas Medical Center Supply, LLC, Index. No. 130439-2021, 2022 N.Y. Slip Op. 32914 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Monroe Cnty. Aug. 29, 2022), the court granted plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment after defendant failed to engage the discovery process… Read more