
Michael C. Rakower is interviewed by Chambers USA as he demystifies SPAC litigation, dissecting key elements like warrant agreements and industry practices through insights from a landmark federal case. Watch the interview HERE.
Ex-CEO of Nonprofit Receives $14 Million Judgment in Suit Over Pension Benefits.  Read Here
New York Law Journal 06/15/2017
Michael Rakower profiled in Lawdragon’s “Lawyer Limelight” column. Read Here
Lawdragon 05/19/2014
“Testimony on Changes to FRCP 26(b) and 37(e) Reflects Continuing Discord” – In connection with a public hearing by the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules concerning proposed amendments to the Federal Rules, this article reports on Michael Rakower’s appearance on behalf of the New York State Bar Association and the definition he offered of “willfulness” in the context of spoliation sanctions. Read Here
Bloomberg BNA 11/12/2013
“White-Collar Boutiques Find Their Niche in a Crowded Market” -- Michael Rakower offers his views on why white-collar criminal boutiques are successful in the current market. Read Here
New York Law Journal 02/27/2013
Student In Stuyvesant Cheating Scandal Sues.
Pix 11 10/01/2011
Confusion Reigns Over Alabama Immigration Law. Are police having a difficult time understand and applying the new immigration law? Watch Here
Fox News 11/01/2011
Latest Defense Argument in Jackson Doctor's Trial. Legal panel weighs in on Conrad Murray case. Watch Here  
Fox News 10/04/2011
Protecting Unlicensed Drivers From Arrest? New California bill would protect unlicensed drivers from arrest. Watch Here
Fox News 09/13/2011
New York Law Journal Reports on Law Office's Thriving Practice – “‘I don't know the reason, but I'm thrilled to say that,' said Mr. Rakower, who received the New York State Bar Association's Outstanding Young Lawyer Award in 2006. 'There's no magic bullet. All I know is that I worked my tail off for four years, and I think you reap what you sow.’”  Read Here
New York Law Journal 01/09/2009
Special Report with Brit Hume. A former United Nations procurement official has been convicted of bribery, wire fraud and mail fraud.
Fox News 06/07/2007